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A 14-session faith-based support group for men dealing with relationship challenges or other life stressors


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A personal invitation from Dr. David DeRose

I invite you to join me and my team for…

A Summer of Healing: Oasis in the Wilderness, a 14-session faith-based support group for men dealing with relationship challenges or other life stressors.

Launching Wednesday, May 8, 2024 from 8:30 – 9:30 PM Eastern Time/5:30 – 6:30 PM Pacific

Grief and loss are part of every man's experience. But we don't get a lot of help on how to deal with it. When men are struggling emotionally, society tells us to be tough, to press on, to be strong. But this all belies the fact that God designed us as social creatures; it neglects the medical research that shows that we actually do better when we have social support and connectedness.

A group of us are hoping to rewrite this narrative in the summer of 2024. Although our facilitators embrace a Christian perspective and from that worldview will look at spiritual principles found in the Bible, we will seek to make the lessons applicable across the spiritual spectrum. So, whether you are a Christian or atheist, a Jew or Buddhist, whether you embrace Islam or agnosticism, we invite you to join us for a summer of healing.

One of our textbooks will be Steven K. Scott’s practical book called "The Joseph Principles: Turning Adversity and Heartache into Miraculous Living.” Before I finish this communication I'll share some excerpts from that book. But before I do, let me tell you a bit more about our plans.

Starting on May 8, 2024 at 5:30 PM Pacific/8:30 PM Eastern time I will facilitate the first in a series of 14 Wednesday night meetings that will extend throughout the summer. Each module is designed to help us as men to overcome some of the greatest griefs and stresses we face. We know many of you have summer plans; no problem. You won't need to change any plans to participate in this program. We will not meet every week, and we will work around the schedules of our participants. I will share full details on May 8.

SIGN UP TODAY so that you can get all our group mailings and login information. The sessions will only be held live on Zoom and will not be recorded. 

To conclude, here’s a selection from our main textbook, Steven K. Scott’s “The Joseph Principles.”

The Joseph Principles book cover


So when the Midianite merchants came by, his brothers pulled Joseph up out of the cistern and sold him for twenty shekels of silver to the Ishmaelites, who took him to Egypt. Genesis 37:28
In a matter of minutes, Joseph went from being the most cherished son of his father to becoming a slave transported to a foreign country. Everyone he loved was ripped from him in an instant. He lost all of his privileges and rights; he lost his beloved family, his friends, and everything he valued; all of his hopes and dreams were stolen. The only future he could see was that of being a slave… Yet, despite his terrible circumstances, he became the most revered and highest-ranking individual in Pharaoh’s empire. His actions saved two nations from starvation… How could this happen to someone whose whole life had been stolen and whose future had been trashed?
...about sixteen hundred years later, Jesus Christ revealed the precise steps of action that would enable us to experience the miraculous transformation and unimaginable outcomes Joseph experienced—and an even greater level of intimacy with God. In the lives of both Joseph and Jesus, we see amazing revelations and specific steps we can quickly take to overcome our hurts, our past traumas, and even our most heartbreaking experiences—whether they happened today, yesterday, or even a lifetime ago.


Looking forward to seeing you Wednesday, May 8,

David DeRose, MD, MPH

Learn More About
Dr. David DeRose

Dr. DeRose is a practicing physician with board certifications in Internal Medicine and Preventive Medicine. He is also a best-selling author and syndicated radio host.


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