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American Indian and Alaska Native Living

A one-hour weekly talk show focusing on health issues in Indian country, viewed in a holistic way in keeping with traditional Native perspectives, hosted by David DeRose M.D.

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Help for High Blood Pressure, Addictions, and More; Dr. Holly Biola and Debra Warden join Dr. DeRose

Today’s program begins with Dr. DeRose interviewing clinician and blood pressure researcher, Dr....

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Help for Burnout with Drs Binus and DeRose

Burnout can affect people regardless of their station in life. Learn the signs of burnout--and what...

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Help for Grief with Teresa Nelson, RN

Grief and loss are part of the human experience. However, we can either grieve well or poorly....

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“Mitigating Drug Harms” as recorded at the National Tribal Health Conference, 2023

Although medications can be lifesaving, they can also be the agents of death. Learn how programs...

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"Focus on Native Youth" with Michelle Singer

Michelle Singer reviews the wide range of programs and services currently being offered by the...

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Insights from National Indian Health Board Leadership

Stacy Bohlen and Darby Galligher of the NIHB share insights into this thriving organization and its...

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"Opting for Optimism" for Gary D. Moyer

Changing your outlook can change your life. Gary Moyer shares his own personal journey into how...

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Dr. DeRose Answers Your Health Questions, Episode 3, May 23

In April of 2022, Dr. David DeRose held a live event to answer listeners’ and website visitors’...

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"Hope for Depression" with Lori Wildenberg, May 16

After a daughter’s unsuccessful suicide attempt, Lori Wildenberg embarked on a journey to help...

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Stress Control Summit Highlights, May 9

Martin Neumann’s free Stress Control Summit (May 22-24, 2022) draws leading speakers from around...

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